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The  Training    Wings - The   Core Members


Pritha Chakraborty

DST-Inspire Fellow (SRF) (2020-Present)

Pritha completed her M.Sc. in Biotechnology from The University of Burdwan (2018) and stood first class first receiving Gold medal from the University. Currently, she is exploring & developing therapeutic interventions to ameliorate the various symptoms of lymphatic filariasis using advanced bioinformatics.

Title of Ph.D. Thesis:

Conception of novel therapeutic strategies against the immunopathogenesis of bancroftian filariasis through targeted inhibition of human TLR4 and TNFR


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Ankita Chakraborty

Ph.D. Scholar (2024-Present)

Ankita has completed her M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University (2023). Currently, she is exploring phytocompounds from an array of natural sources in an attempt to develop novel and efficacious therapeutic intervention strategies against Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Cancer. 

Title of Ph.D. Thesis:

Exploring natural phytochemicals for inhibiting Wnt-β-catenin signaling for intervening colitis-associated colorectal carcinoma​

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Sampa Gorai

Ph.D. Scholar (2024-Present)

Sampa completed her M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University (2021) and stood first class first with receipt of the Gold Medal from the University. Currently, she is working on Lymphatic Filariasis.

Title of Ph.D. Thesis:


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Subhranka Paramanik

 DST-SERB-CRG Project , Junior Research Fellow

Subhranka Completed his M.Sc. in Zoology (2022) from The University of Burdwan and qualified GATE-XL 2024 and WBSET (25th ). Currently he is working as Junior Research Fellow ( Project) in DST-SERB CRG Project.


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The Wild-Flyers - Awarded with the Prestigious Doctoral Degree

The Alumni


M.Sc Dissertation Students and Summer Trainees

Coming Together is a Beginning, Staying Together is Progress and Working Together is Success"
- Henry Ford

Title: In silico Identification of Immunoreactive Agents of Naegleria fowleri and Investigation of their TLR binding efficacy

Title: Nuclear Hormone Receptor in Filarial Parasite: A Novel Target for Drug Development.

Title: Optimization of the Extraction of Polyphenols from Dillenia indica and Investigation of its Efficacy against Ulcerative Colitis

Title: Biocomputational Profiling of Regulatory miRNAs associated
with pathogenesis of UC and CRC

Title: In silico Identification of Immunoreactive Agents of Naegleria fowleri and Investigation of their TLR binding efficacy

Title: In Silico Identification of Potential Inhibitors of Filarial Nuclear Hormones Receptors.

Title: Unveiling the Molecular Influences of Macrophage Chemoattractant Protein-1 in the Immunopathogenesis of Ulcerative Colitis

Title: Exploring the impact of Human Matrix Metalloproteinase in the Immunopathogenesis of Ulcerative Colitis: An In-Silico Approach.










Ankita Chakraborty

The Department of Animal Science, Kazi Nazrul University.


Dissertation Topic:

An in-silico insight on the host-virus interactions in human monkey-pox virus infection: identification of the TLR-binding motifs from the surface proteome of human Monkeypox virus.


Riya Ghosh

The Department of Molecular biology and Human Genetics, University of Burdwan.


Dissertation Topic:

"Steroid hormone binding receptor(s) of Wuchereria bancrofti and its relevance in filarial". pathogenesis.


Tania Chatterjee

The Department of Molecular biology and Human Genetics, University of Burdwan.​


​Dissertation Topic:

 "Comparative Exploration of the human TLR-gut microbial PAMPs interactions in the context of colorectal cancer".


Shrabani Pramanik

The Department of Molecular biology and Human Genetics, University of Burdwan.


Disseration Topic:

 "Estimation of miRNA from filariasis patient blood serum and profiling of miRNA".


Sudipa Das

Department of Applied Biology, MAKAUT.


Dissertation Topic:

"Anti-inflammatory phytochemicals as therapeutic choices against human colorectal carcinoma".



Umasish Mahanty

Umasish is a disciplined Master's student from SOA University, Bhubaneshwar focused to ambitiously work in the field of immuno-oncology. He joined as summer intern fellow at IBIL and working in the of Adiponectin gene in the progression of obesity induced cancer


Tirtha Subhra Mukherjee

Tirtha is a graduate student from Bolpur College, The University of Burdwan and joined IBIL as Summer Intern fellow. He is working in exploring the role of adiponectin receptor in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer.



Abhigyan Choudhury

Abhigyan completed his M.Sc. dissertation (2021) titled "Designing a multi-epitope multi-target chimeric vaccine empowering protection against all virulent coronaviruses: a biocomputational approach"


Sampa Gorai

Sampa is pursuing M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University & completed her M.Sc. dissertation (2021) titled "Designing efficient multi-epitope peptide-based vaccines by targeting the antioxidant system of Bancroftian filarial parasite".


Sulagna Chatterjee

Sulagna is pursuing M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University & completed her M.Sc. dissertation (2021) titled "Immunobiological significance of TLR4 polymorphism on Human Gastric Cancer induced by Helicobacter pylori".


Sourin Adhikary

Sourin is pursuing M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University & completed his M.Sc. dissertation (2021) titled "Anti-inflammatory phytochemicals as therapeutic choices against human colorectal carcinoma".


Joydeep Chakraborty

Joydeep is pursuing M.Sc. in Animal Science from Kazi Nazrul University & completed his M.Sc. dissertation (2021) titled "Comparative studies on the prognostic significance of IL-10, ARG-1, and HDAC9 across the different cancers associated with the human gastro-intestinal tract an advanced bioinformatics approach"



Mohammad Arman Azad

Arman completed his B.Sc. dissertation (2020) titled "An overview on the different immunological intervention strategies against SARS-CoV-2".


Shahnaz Yasmin

Shahnaz completed her M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Dept. of Biotechnology, The university of Burdwan. She completed her M.Sc. dissertation (2019) titled “Cellular and molecular studies on the mechanism of
macrophage inflammation in response to an opportunistic fungal pathogen Pichia


Kazi Nazrul University

Integrative Biochemistry & Immunology Laboratory

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© 2023 by Dr. Suprabhat Mukherjee

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